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How knowing yourself can help you thrive

Do you ever feel lost or dissatisfied with life? Getting to know yourself better could help. Many of us lack a deep understanding of ourselves and this can hold us back from finding true happiness.

We’re often so busy with work and other distractions, that introspection gets put on the backburner. Social media puts a lot of pressure on us to fit in and it’s hard not to get sucked into comparison mode. We can spend so much time worrying about what others think, that we can lose touch of who we are.This can lead to us feeling lost, unmotivated and insecure.

As the term suggests, self-knowledge refers to the information we have about ourselves. This includes understanding our thoughts, feelings, behaviour patterns, motivations, beliefs, values and abilities. While self-knowledge is largely gained through introspection, social and physical factors play a role too.

Enhanced self-knowledge puts you in the driver’s seat and empowers you to be the best version of yourself. When you are grounded in who you are, your natural strengths and talents come to light. Understanding your emotions, passions and personal values also enables you to take steps towards creating the life you truly want. As Pedro Gaspar observed: “If knowledge is power, then self-knowledge is empowerment,”

 Of course, there are many different ways to get to know yourself better. It can be a bit of trial and error, as what will work for someone else, may not work for you and vice-versa. Nevertheless, if you’re ready to embark on this journey, here are some ideas you might like to try:

Throughout the day, regularly check in with yourself. How are you feeling in your body? What thoughts are going through your mind?

When you experience a strong physical sensation, it can be helpful to stop a moment and consider these questions:

  • How am I feeling?
  • What occurred immediately before my reaction?
  • Has this happened before?
  • What do I want?
  • What do I need?

Recording our thoughts, feelings and observations, can be a great way to gain clarity. There are no set rules about how you should journal. The main thing is to find the method that is most meaningful to you.

If you’re unsure of what to write, here are a few prompts to get you started:

  • Reflect on your day / week. What happened and how did it make you feel? 
  • What have you learnt this day / week / year?
  • Describe something you’re proud of.
  • What does success mean to you?
  • Reflect on a happy memory. What happened? Were you with anyone and, if so, who?
  • List at least three things you’re grateful for right now.
  • Energising vs draining

Make a list of activities you regularly engage in. Beside each one, write down if it rejuvenates or depletes you. This exercise will help to boost satisfaction in your life and enable you to be the best version of yourself.

Imagine you could spend a day in paradise. What would you do and why? How would you feel? Who would you see? Reflecting on these questions can be another way to figure out what’s truly meaningful to you.

Sometimes it’s hard to verbalise what’s going on inside. Engaging in a creative activity can help us process and express our thoughts and emotions. You don’t need to be an artistic genius to be creative. We all have the potential to develop this skill. Creativity can be found in various forms, including writing, painting, movement, design, and music.

Trying new experiences is a great way to broaden your self-knowledge. It allows you to learn how you respond in unfamiliar situations. You’ll likely discover strengths you never knew you possessed.

Don’t worry; you don’t have to jump out of a plane or climb Mount Everest to gain these insights. New experiences can be anything you choose, such as starting a new sport, learning a new skill or attending a new meet-up group. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will not only help you learn more about yourself, but broaden your perspective of the world too.

It’s difficult to engage in self-reflection without judgement. Counselling provides a safe, accepting and supportive space for you to deepen your self-knowledge and create goals that truly matter to you. Working with a counsellor can give you skills, tools and resources that you can use throughout your life to increase self-knowledge.

Improving self-knowledge is hard work, but putting in the time and effort will open up new possibilities for self-growth and fulfilment.

I would love to help you on your journey of self-discovery. Feel free to contact me on 0426 365 535 if you would like to find out more or to book a session.