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Strategies for Increasing Motivation

We all lack motivation at times to get things done e.g. exercising, completing a project or simply just doing housework. If you consider the reasons behind your struggle, it can help you develop a plan to get yourself moving again. Here are some strategies that may help.

Sometimes we can lack motivation because our goals seem empty. This can happen when we take on goals that we feel we “should” aim for, but that don’t align with what truly matters to us. Maybe you feel you “should” read a lot of books, but if you find reading boring, then you’ll struggle to make any progress. This lack of success may make you feel bad about yourself and negatively affect your confidence.

Review your goals and consider these questions:

When I think about working on this goal, do I feel excited by the prospect and the likely outcome?

What will achieving this goal give me that I don’t have now?

Is this goal based on what is meaningful and important to me?

We’ve all put off important tasks because we just don’t feel like doing them at the moment. We tell ourselves there’s always tomorrow. Later, we may feel guilty, stressed and frustrated by the hours we’ve spent binging on Netflix or playing video games, instead of working on our desired goal.

According to research, visualising your future self can be a great motivator. So, when you find yourself procrastinating, imagine the future you living the life you desire and that the current you is capable of achieving. Also, consider what your life would be like if you continually avoid taking action towards your goals. How would the future you feel about the way you are currently spending your time?

Many of us wait to feel motivated before pursuing our desired goals. But our emotions are often unreliable. Even if it’s something we really want to do, inspiration can be fleeting and abandon us when we most need it. We may never “feel ready” to take that leap.

But you know what? Do it anyway. Take the first step, even if it’s just a very small one, because doing something creates momentum that will help to motivate you to keep going.

There are many other strategies out there. It’s good to experiment until you find what works for you. If your lack of motivation is interfering with your daily functioning, consider making an appointment with your doctor. Counselling can also be very helpful.

If you would like help with increasing your motivation, I would love to work with you.

To get in touch, call me on 0426 365 535.